Facility Operator Information & Resources – Iowa One Call

Facility Operators

Iowa’s more than 1,400 Iowa One Call member operators play an integral role in protecting the essential underground facilities infrastructure critical to the well-being of all Iowans. Paramount to the success of our state’s one call damage prevention system is the commitment by all stakeholders to respect the system and adhere to the rules, regulations, industry standards and recommended best practices that have been established in the name of damage prevention and safety awareness.

Submit a Ticket

IMAP – Manage Mapping Database

Attention Underground Facility Operators

Register or Update Facility Operator Information

Iowa Law requires all operators of underground facilities (excluding private facilities) to register their underground facilities with the Iowa One Call System. You may complete and submit the form provided below, or contact the Iowa One Call center at (563) 884-7762

Contract Locators

Locators represent the underground facility operator. Iowa law requires all underground facility operators to register with and utilize the Iowa One call system accordingly. Underground facility operators are responsible for locating and marking the portion of any underground facilities that they own and operate.

  • All locate requests transmitted via the Iowa One Call System are official and require positive response from the operator (locator).
  • Locators must not refuse a locate request of any kind once transmitted via the Iowa One Call System.
  • Only an operator can use the proper channels to dispute an official Iowa One Call locate transmission.
  • Decisions made in the field by locators must be documented.
  • Locators must follow the provisions established via state law (Iowa Code, Chapter 480) and the proper protocols established by the facility operators for whom the locating and marking of underground facilities is being performed.
  • All locators must establish effective communications with the excavators in the field who will be performing excavations in proximity to the underground facilities located by the locators.
  • Locators must use proper channels of communication for reporting incidents and issues that may impact safety and damage prevention.
  • Locators do not represent Iowa One Call and must refrain from making assumptions and potentially misleading statements pertaining to Iowa One Call and the Iowa Code, Chapter 480. Locators can communicate via proper channels to verify Iowa One Call requirements, policies and established protocols.

Types of Locate Requests

There are generally three types of requests made from excavators to utility operators through Iowa One Call:

  1. Regular Locate Requests
  2. Emergency Locate Requests
  3. Notices of Dig-Ins (damage to facilities)

In addition, Iowa One Call provides Joint Meet Locates, Design Information Requests, and Design Locate Requests.

See page nine in the Excavator Manual for more details.

Excavator Manual

To register for the Ticket Check Electronic Positive Response System, please contact Austin Saling at [email protected] or at 563-884-7763.

Things To Remember

Make sure to update your marking status! All locate requests transmitted via the Iowa One Call System require positive response from the operator (locator).

If you need to update your database information with Iowa One Call, please submit the form below.

Update Database Options

Design Request System (For Professional Designers/Engineers)

The NEW Design Request System is available NOW. Please be sure to review the updated manual, as the new DRS has undergone several changes.

Learn More